Frequently Asked Questions

What do Gideons believe?

The Gideons International is a diverse association representing many Protestant denominations – all with a common interest in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

All Gideons uphold these core beliefs:

  • The Bible is the inspired, infallible, inerrant Word of God
  • The Lord Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God

All Gideons must also:

  • Have received Jesus as their personal Savior
  • Endeavor to follow Him in their daily lives
  • Be members in good standing in their Protestant/evangelical churches
  • Have the recommendation of their pastors

Do people ever read the Bibles in their hotel rooms?

Yes! Each Bible placed in a hotel room has the potential to reach up to 2,300 people in its estimated six-year life span. Research from the hotel industry tells us that approximately 25% of travelers read the Bibles in their hotel rooms.

Is The Gideons International a denomination or a church?

Neither. The Gideons International is an association that works with evangelical or Protestant churches. Our members come from many denominations, live all over the world, and share a desire to see the lost come to Christ.

Who is eligible to join The Gideons International?

Generally, Christian businessmen and professional men age 21 and older, or retired businessmen and professional men, who adhere to the core spiritual beliefs held by The Gideons International are eligible to join. In addition to meeting these professional and spiritual qualifications, potential Gideons must also be recommended by their pastors.

For more information about becoming a member in your area, email

Can I get Bibles or New Testaments for my church or my personal use?

We do not provide Bibles and New Testaments to our church partners or other organizations for their distribution. Our unique method is to have only our members distribute Bibles or New Testaments through designated traffic lanes of life, thus efficiently reaching a large number of people. We do not overlap, duplicate, or conflict with the mission of churches and other ministries. Instead, we act as an extended missionary arm of the church.

One option for non-members is to consider becoming a Friend of Gideons. This group is committed to supporting Gideons and Auxiliary worldwide in reaching people for Christ through prayer and financial gifts. Friends have access to purchase non-emblem Testaments for use in sharing their faith with others personally as God gives them opportunities during daily conversations. Learn more about Friends here.

If you are searching for a copy of God’s Word for personal use, we welcome you to visit the Read the Bible section of this website for online resources.

How can military personnel get God’s Word from The Gideons?

Military personnel in the UK can receive God’s Word from The Gideons International through a military chaplain.

I want to learn more. How do I contact The Gideons?

You may contact our International Headquarters at 0114 2877053 or by emailing us at

Our mailing address:

The Gideons International
Orchard House
5 Stone Hill Drive
Sheffield S26 4RZ UK