Falling ill on holiday

The following comments were received by a Gideon member from a minister who obviously found having a Gideon placed Testament by his bedside at a time of need a great blessing.

“Hi, five weeks ago my wife and I were on holiday in the Cotswolds. Short story is, I took ill and finished up in hospital in Worcester. Severe double pneumonia and a large blood clot on my lungs. The Gideon’s had placed the wrapped blue New Testament Psalms in the locker. What a blessing! (I was too ill to manage my electronic Scriptures).   Fantastic size and print –  in my view the best Gideon publication yet.  Thank you Gideons.  I was transferred to Preston Royal and brought my copy with me in line with the no cross infection policy, I’m still here for further investigations.  Please convey my sincere gratitude and appreciation to the Gideon’s.”

Can I encourage you to please share this blessing with as many people as possible; we all need to hear how the Lord is touching lives through His precious Word.